UK Paranormal Events.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Derek Acorah has rid a family of their terrifying ghosts.

TV psychic Derek Acorah banishes evil spooks for haunted mum-of-six.

Marie Williams, 34, and her six kids had been dogged by increasingly alarming incidents
since moving to their Victorian home in Sunderland last February.

The family were taunted with eerie sights and sounds and the spirits even ATTACKED
Marie and RANSACKED a bedroom.

Her kids were so scared that one slept in the living room while others would only go
upstairs in pairs.

A fed-up Marie appealed for help in The Sun last week — and ghost guru Derek, best
 known for telly's Most Haunted, stepped in.

I joined Derek as he performed an hour-long "invocation"
ceremony — and personally witnessed the inexplicable.

Marie explained that six weeks after moving in she
would hear someone climbing the stairs then
"thunder" back down them — but no one was there.

Then a man would appear in the hallway and a ghostly little girl would run towards the
stairs then disappear.

She says: "One night we were in the dining room and there was an almighty crash from

"My 18-month-old Harvey's room was turned completely upside down — chests of
drawers, wardrobe, things on the wall, everything was on the floor."

"On another occasion I felt this burning sensation and ran to the mirror." There was a
2in red scratch on her neck.

Derek, 62, revealed: "Someone on this street has used a ouija board-like instrument to
open the portal to the other side. That allows spirits to come to the house."

Derek sealed off the front and back doors plus a portal he located in the living room. He
sprinkled rock salt at each site, which he says spirits cannot cross, and crystals to bring

A candle was placed at each door as Derek and Marie joined hands to say the "prayer of

But the spirits were not giving up easily. One nipped Marie's legs, while a candle at the
back door was inexplicably thrown into the garden, its glass holder smashed.

I witnessed this myself and cannot think of any rational explanation.

Afterwards, a relieved Marie said: "I feel like a weight has been lifted."

Article Ghosts-Busted

Courtesy of The Sun

© UK Paranormal Events

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