Shadow Beings.
As with spirits and ghosts, reports of shadow beings have been documented for
hundreds of years and the two are often wrongly confused as being the same thing.
A shadow being also known as shadow people are said to be shadow-like figures
of supernatural origin which appear as dark forms in the peripheral vision. Often
they are described as being as silhouettes of human shape, generally male but
lacking any other human features like a nose, mouth or eyes, their face is normally
not visible. They are generally not reported as resembling individuals. Witnesses
also do not report the same feeling as being in the presence of something that “was
once human” and following an encounter many people have said they are left with a
feeling of dread.

In many cases the eye witness describes the sense of being watched and once noticed the shadow person flees rapidly. Although these beings once noticed rapidly vanish and direct eye contact has been rather rare, many of the more recent reports hint to the fact that these beings are becoming more daring and that people have been able to see them for several seconds rather than just a brief glimpse.
Described as being able to move very fast and pass through solid matter like walls
and closed doors. Animals are said to react to these beings with fear and hostility.
So if shadow people exist, then what are they or where could they come from? Some
people say that they are visitors or travellers from another dimension or a parallel
universe, visiting us to gain information and knowledge about us and our dimension.
A more sinister theory is that these beings are in fact demons.
As with most paranormal phenomenon there are many scientific theories about what these sightings may be.
One theory is that powerful or erratic electromagnetic fields could be responsible by causing interference with the electrical impulses of the human mind. While another theory is hypnoagagia (waking sleep) a state of semi-consciousness where by the person can be thinking rationally but can also be perceiving images that are being
If you have had any experience of shadow people then we would love to hear about it, please share your experience with us.
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